What we do

Founded in 1988, and built on a Christian foundation, Willowdene prides itself on providing an inclusive, safe environment where men and women can identify, acknowledge, and tackle the issues of their past so that they can understand their present, and build their future.

To this end, we have established a track record of working in partnership with private, public and third-sector organisations to develop and deliver innovative and effective services to break generational cycles of offending, homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues and unemployment. 

Based in the heart of West Mercia, Willowdene provides an opportunity for lasting life transformation through a proven approach to rehabilitation, that includes trauma-informed therapy, training, work-experience and resettlement.

At the heart of Willowdene’s mission is a commitment to ensure that students have access to interventions that will enable them to step into the life they were made for.


With more than 30 years’ experience of working with individuals engaged in the Criminal Justice System, Willowdene is a strategic partner of Warwickshire and West Mercia Probation and works closely with the Ministry of Justice to develop pioneering services.  

Delivering both day services through community interventions and residential alternative to custody orders, Willowdene has a proven track-record of delivering outstanding results in reducing reoffending and lasting life transformation.


Since its inception in 1988, Willowdene has specialised in delivering services to support Public Health provision across the UK, with a focus on services in the West Midlands including Warwickshire and West Mercia.

Specialising in working with men and women facing a wide range of health issues, including substance misuse, mental health and physical health conditions, we have a proven track-record of facilitating lasting change to behaviour and thought patterns.  In addition, we also provide specific support for those acting as carers for friends or relatives.


In 2013, Willowdene launched a ground-breaking and unique female residential alternative to custody, which remains the only one of its kind in the UK.

The success of this intervention has underpinned the expansion, and ongoing development, of our gender-specific services focused on empowering and equipping women to break free of the situations and circumstances that have kept them trapped in cycles of abuse, exploitation, offending behaviour and substance misuse.

Through ground-breaking, award-winning, innovative interventions, Willowdene works across Health and Criminal Justice to deliver a wide range of structured residential and community programmes.

All of our interventions are built on the principles that have underpinned our work since 1988, and are based on the combination of our therapeutic model, and the development of life and vocational skills.

Committed to providing unparalleled levels of excellence, we continue to innovate and deliver effective interventions that meet the needs of students to provide solutions that underpin lasting life transformation.

Willowdene’s approach targets not only the symptoms, but the root causes of chaotic lifestyles resulting from prolonged substance misuse, offending, homelessness and entrenched unemployment.  

Our model, approach and ethos have delivered outstanding results and lasting transformation for numerous men and women.

This outstanding performance is clearly demonstrated by our most recent initiative, with our Women’s Service Residential Alternative to Custody (the first in the UK) delivering a 96% completion rate and a three-fold  reduction in reoffending rates (compared to custody).

Willowdene operates over three sites, and is set in over 240 acres of productive arable, pasture and woodland. 

Our main site offers a range of fully equipped workshops, including forestry, ICT, livestock, engineering and welding, classrooms, a recreation hall, catering kitchen, communal space, six residential apartments and offices.

The Stanley site, our horticultural and livestock centre, comprises four industrial glass houses, eight polytunnels and our livestock rearing unit.

Situated in blocks of arable and pasture land, Northwood – Willowdene’s third and most recent site – hosts our ground-breaking residential women’s centre.

Meet The Team

Willowdene’s dynamic team is made up of men and women from a variety of backgrounds who all share one common aim: to make a positive and lasting contribution to the process of change that every student attending Willowdene undertakes.  Committed, dedicated and highly skilled, every member of the team is passionate about fulfilling Willowdene’s vision and mission.

Hover over, or click, each image below to meet Willowdene’s team members.

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©  2024 Willowdene Rehabilitation Ltd

(01746) 718658

email: info@willowdenefarm.org.uk